If you have a hanging gate you have something to literally hang on. But the moment that it’s totally open there is no defense.
Human beings are controlled mentally at every conceivable level. They're partitioned into little parts, they're set up. If it wasn't enough that your mind is going to have to deal with...
We have a funny thing, this Heart Center, this little box there, this little triangle. There is nothing in the BodyGraph that is more complex. It is so complex and dense in its biological values, it's unlike anything that is there in the BodyGraph.
One of the great dilemmas that you’re going to face as we move along in this journey is understanding that what stands in the way is mind. As long as your mind is going to be in charge of your decision making process...
Everything about Human Design can get distilled down to a number of things. The first thing is to understand that all of this is about being able to deal with your mind. It’s about being able to replace your decision-making mind with another mechanism that you can use and trust.
The moment that you live your life according to your mind, making decisions according to your mind, there’s just no way you’ll be able to fulfill the potential that is there for you.
Human Design says something that has never been said before: “Your mind is not for decision making.” That’s all the mind has ever been, the decision maker.
When I look at all of the openness that’s there in somebody's design, it is clear to me that the undefined Ego is what really creates the deepest dilemmas in humanity as a whole.
"The dilemma of the mind is that even when the form is aligned to its correct path in life, the mind continues to chase the shadows, and believe that the stories found in the shadows are real."
What is the Not-Self according to Human Design? Is it a bad thing? No. Is it a good thing? No. It just is. It is something that we live with, that we co-exist with.
There is something quite beautiful in the process of deconditioning. I often refer to it as cleaning out the open Centers.
As far back as ancient Greece man has been investigating the human mind. Socrates, Freud and countless others studied the very complex and mysterious mind.
I have often heard it said that competition is healthy. Well, healthy for who? Not for the person with the undefined Heart Center.
My de-conditioning process started in December 2012 when I took a leap of faith to leave my corporate job in New York City. There was a shift in awareness and . . .